Product details
Sansevieria - Hahnii - Snake Plant
Fertilizer Application
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The air purifying houseplant adds character to your place with its distinctly textured leaves which resembles the snakeskin. The plant is a symbol of good health and therefore serves as a great housewarming gift. It is an easy to care indoor plant.
What are the common names of Sansevieria - Hahnii - Snake Plant?
The common names of Sansevieria - Hahnii - Snake Plant include mother in law’s tongue, devil’s tongue, snake plant, and sensevieria.
Why is Sansevieria - Hahnii - Snake Plant named Snake Plant?
The plant gets its name due to the appearance of its leaves which resembles snakeskin to a great extent.
Is Sansevieria - Hahnii - Snake Plantsafe for pets?
No, it isn’t. The leaves of the plant contain toxic chemicals which can be unsafe for your pet, if ingested.
Does Sansevieria - Hahnii - Snake Plant green help in purifying the air and decreasing the pollutants from the air?
The plant has been recommended by NASA as a great air purifier for eliminating formaldehyde and benzene from the air.
Is Sansevieria - Hahnii - Snake Plant a flowering plant?
Yes, the plant bears white or greenish cream flowers. But flowering is a rare occurrence, usually once a year.
Is Sansevieria - Hahnii - Snake Plant a herb?
No, the Snake Plant is not a herb and should not be consumed without the consultation of a health expert.
What is the best place to keep your Sansevieria - Hahnii - Snake Plant?
The plant can be kept at any place where there is no direct sunlight available to the plant. AC rooms suits the plant well.
How to propagate the Sansevieria - Hahnii - Snake Plant?
The Snake Plant can be easily propagated by dividing it using a knife. Divide the plant into two halves using the knife and replant these two halves separately into different pots. The plant can also be propagated using leaf cuttings.
Is Sansevieria - Hahnii - Snake Plant easy to care for?
Sansevieria - Hahnii - Snake Plant is a popular low maintenance indoor/outdoor plant.
What does a Sansevieria - Hahnii - Snake Plant symbolize?
The plant is a symbol of good health. Gifting someone a snake plant signifies wishing them great health and the plant is a great housewarming gift too.
What is the best time for watering the Sansevieria - Hahnii - Snake Plant?
Mornings and evenings are the best time to water the plant.
How many hours of sunlight are required by Sansevieria - Hahnii - Snake Plant?
The plant thrives best in natural indirect sunlight as well as in artificial bright light.
How often should the Sansevieria - Hahnii - Snake Plant be repotted?
The plant requires repotting once in 2 years. Repot the plant using fresh soil and some fertilizer.
What is the best primary treatment for Sansevieria - Hahnii - Snake Plant in case of insect pest attack or diseases?
Use of Neem oil, Eucalyptus oil, or Citrus oil spray is advised in case of insect pest attack or other diseases.
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